Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, Authentic Oriental Healthcare Center

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I am 56 years old. In 2008, I suffered several major medical problems including bouts of pneumonia, a heart attack, 3 invasive heart procedures and experienced temporary death while in the care of a local ER team (being dead is NOT conducive to health!) After local area cardiologists had stated to my wife "his next step is a heart transplant" and "he'll be dead within 2 weeks, most likely a couple days", I knew I needed to take action, but realized that local Western Medicine had little more to offer to me. I was referred to the published protocols of Dr. Stephen Sinatra M.D. who's "awesome foursome" of vital nutrients selected to restore energy to the heart helped to get me back onto my feet. I was showing improvement, but something was still missing...

In 2009 I then suffered a serious setback that was misdiagnosed as a stroke or TIAs, but it was never fully understood, nor properly diagnosed, so it was never effectively treated. This latest round left me with "unilateral partial paralysis" - I was unable to walk, at one point I wasn't even able to swallow! All I know is I began with flu-like symptoms for several days before the condition worsened while I was in the hospital where several doctors kept insisting I had suffered a stroke despite all tests for strokes and TIAs were negative (several family members also experienced flu-like symptoms). Whatever stemmed from the viral attack was never fully understood and never fully explained by western medicine. Additionally, after that event I suffered from atrial fibrillation which I feel was attributed to one or more of the medications prescribed to treat whatever the viral ailment was that left me partially paralyzed. My wife again rescued me from the hospital and consulted with a number of people. Dr. Shanna Zhang was mentioned several times, so we made an appointment. I'll admit I was a skeptic...

Due to the partial paralysis, I still had lack of sensation on the whole right side of my body, and especially in my hand and leg. With the help of Dr. Shanna Zhang, I am regaining the use of my hand and leg and regaining sensation in the areas that I had minimal to no sensation. I feel stronger, more coordinated and have better ambulation with each treatment session with Dr. Shanna Zhang. I am now a FIRM believer in acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Dr. Shanna Zhang is very skilled with successfully using acupuncture to restore sensation due to neurological conditions and she has an impressive knowledge of properly utilizing chinese herbs for a variety of ailments such as diabetes and cardiac concerns including hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and cardiac arrhythmia. When I first met Dr. Shanna Zhang, I still required the use of a walker. Within a few sessions I was able to discard the walker for a cane, then I was able to be free of the cane. Today I have returned to work full-time to a very demanding job. I feel I would not have been able to continue working and would have been forced to seek disability assistance if I had not been treated by Dr. Zhang.

I have also come to realize Dr. Sinatra's combination of cardiac nutrients along with Chinese herbs helped to restore my levels of ATP as western scientists understand, or CHI/QI energy as Asian practitioners understand the life-force energy. Dr. Zhang's experience with reopening the energy meridians with acupuncture was the missing link I needed to revitalize my physical body after my series of traumatic cardiac experiences.


R. Z.

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Authentic Oriental Healthcare Center, LLC
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine
7306 Wise Ave.
Richmond Heights, MO 63117
Phone: (314) 600-3144  
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