Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, Authentic Oriental Healthcare Center

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Irregular Menstrual Cycle

I am a 32 year old female going through early menopause. In my early 20s, I started to have irregular menstrual cycles and slowly over the next 10 years, my cycles were growing further apart. At times, I couldn't remember when I had my last period. I was advised my gynecologist to take birth control pills to strengthen my bones and occasionally shed my uterine lining to prevent from getting cancer. Only while I took these pills did I have my monthly period.

Prior to meeting Dr. Zhang, I went off my birth control pills to see if I could menstruate regularly on my own and conceive. However, I was not able to menstruate and after several exams, a fertility doctor confirmed that I was in early menopause. Due to a friend's recommendation to try Chinese medicine, I started to see Dr. Zhang. She had me start on daily consumption of herbal tea for 5 months and followed up with weekly acupuncture sessions. After two months of acupuncture with herbal tea, I had my first period. I continued with my acupuncture treatment and herbal tea and after another month, I had my period again. I am very surprised by my results so far and I will continue my treatment.


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Authentic Oriental Healthcare Center, LLC
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine
7306 Wise Ave.
Richmond Heights, MO 63117
Phone: (314) 600-3144  
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