Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, Authentic Oriental Healthcare Center

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Trisomy 21, Constipation, Hypothyroidism, Unilateral small kidney, Autism, and Food Sensitivities.

Ryan Senneff is my patient and has been receiving acupuncture and acupressure based treatments for the past two years per my recommendation. His conditions include trisomy 21, constipation, hypothyroidism, unilateral small kidney, autism, and food sensitivities.

Ryan's conditions have improved since beginning acupuncture. These improvements include improved behavior and cognitive development, improved vision, decreased hospitalization, improved thyroid function, improved kidney growth and function, and decreased constipation. He was initally on a higher thyroid dose, that has been reduced despite his congenital hypothyroidism. His neutropenia has improved, with WBC being 6.6, up from 2.2. When I began seeing him his kidneys were both small for his age and one was 2 standard deviations smaller than the other. Now both are normal for his age/size. His vision has improved from 20/70 to 20/30 and previously monocular vision is now binocular. His overall health has improved and he is showing greater resilience in many core functions since starting acupuncture treatments. He has been able to reduce hospitalizations and the need for specialists. If further information is needed regarding his health improvement, I am happy to provide you with that information.

I feel strongly that the acupuncture/pressure treatments should be covered by insurance as they are necessary to the treatment of his conditions. Along with behaviour modification and diet, these are the only therapies that have truly worked to help this young man stay out of the hospital and in his classroom regularly. His Optometrist, his kidney doctor, the NIH following his brain MRI have all been dazzled by his improvement that is far beyond that of any kid his age with trisomy 21! I hope that this patient scenario,will also serve as inspiration and a model for care that is truly integrative.


Rheumatologist and Functional Medicine Physician

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Authentic Oriental Healthcare Center, LLC
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine
7306 Wise Ave.
Richmond Heights, MO 63117
Phone: (314) 600-3144  
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